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More About AI and phones
Federal Law Ray Baum's Act mandates that phones are now alarm detection points even have multiple alarm buttons.
Laws mandate that new system's phones, circa 2023 and newer, be a medium to communicate a 911 request for assistance. NJ Law regulated alarm systems. Novacom is licensed to install and service alarm systems.
For all new phone systems, there must be compliance to Ray Baum Act Federal Law a provided by Novacom.
Enhanced 911 package management with interactive mapping. Please see comparison of similar applications.
Phone user dials 911 and within seconds the call is connected to 911 dispatch with a dispatch location and mapping;;
(Dispatch authorities' sites are equipped with its 911 application provided by Novacom);
Dispatch agents view your site with a precise dispatch point on your map that Novacom previously built for your site;
Thereafter, Novacom's real time map's engagement events are transmitted to the official's cell phone on site..
The Novacom Interaction mapping assists authorities' tactical deployment wiht display graphics on their cell hones; and
Access doors are managed, remoptely.
Novacom's interactive communications advantage
Base and Enhanced offers include options for non police intervention. For example, assign 933 for inhouse assistance if no outside authorities are needed. Whether outside or in house assistance needed, Novacom 911inform bridges the gap between site occupants and authorities' communications demands.
See You Tube case study of 911inform
When Seconds Count
See how Novacom 911inform works as a vital tool of officials when seconds count.
In combination with a Novacom phone system that is onsite and not reliant on the Internet, 911Inform is a predcitable medium of response to emergencies.. See, below, why 911inform platforms best meet demands.
A high school Resource Room for special needs students staffer who relies on other staffers when a student is diorderly, needed a better medium phone system. The sites's IP (offiste) phone system is too complicated to summon other staffers.
The solution is Novacom's 911inform preprogrammed phone with one button to call her team's response group internally, and another button to summon police, and another button for EMS
The Law
RAY BAUM’S Act isin response to the importance of making dispatchable location, the location of the caller, information from all 911 calls available to PSAPs, regardless of the technological platform used. The FCC states “dispatchable location means a location delivered to the public safety answering point (PSAP) with a 911 call that consists of the validated street address of the calling party, plus additional information such as suite, apartment or similar information.”
Police officials on site tactics management are real time at a crime scene. It allows officials to better manage criminal activity.
Our unique mapping, left, of your site builds an Artifical Intelligent (AI) grid that allows authorites to interact, see the mapping, with occurrences on the site.
Shown are points of access in and outside of buildings' with activities tracked and depicted on the officials' cell phone, realtime