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A-IP Ethernet computer control module uses your IP data network
B-Elect electric strike or magnet lock
C-Elect Auto door opener for door or gates
D-Optional a buzzer for annunciating door is opening
G-Optional ADA compliance for door release
H-Optional Door contract for interface to burglar detection
I-Optional emergency annunciator sounder.
J-Optional Doorbell 
​R1-Elect inside  reader pair to Outside reader-see media
R2-Outside reader paired to inside reader-see media*
Connect Access Control components to Novacom's Power over Ethernet Protocol (POE) or your existing data POE switching with Power over Internet Protocol (POE). Improve all of your computers' performance with this low cost Novcom IP.
​Electric Strike (B) and Magnet Door Frame Locks
What is on this page.
Novacom;s approach to Access Control is based on the Internet Technolog called Internet Protocal (IP) v. older obsolete technologies that rely heavily on wire connections; wiring is costs to deploy and costly to maintan.